How to learn recyled material ?

Recycled material


  Recycled material is formed by reprocessing waste material from production or used obsolete material after use. The recycled material in the spinning industry refers to the textile materials that have been discarded during production and use and reprocessed into raw materials. Waste and old textiles includes waste textiles and old textiles. Waste textiles refers to the waste materials produced in the processing of textiles, such as waste yarn produced in the spinning process, waste yarn produced in the weaving process, leftover material from printing, dyeing and garment cutting process; old textiles refers to the textile manufactured products that have been used by us, such as old clothing, old home textile products, etc.

Recycled material standard


According to the different components of waste and old textiles, GB/T 38923-2020 “Waste and Old Textiles Classification and Code” standard divides waste and old textiles into the following seven classes .


Cotton waste and recyled material


Cotton waste and old textiles are waste textiles with cotton fiber as the main body. The content of cotton fiber in cotton waste textile is not less than 80%. The content of cotton fiber in cotton old textile is not less than 75%


Woolen waste and recyled material


Woolen waste and old textiles are waste textiles with woolen fiber as the main body. The content of woolen fiber in woolen waste and old textiles is not less than 60%.


Polyester waste and recyled material


Polyester waste and old textiles are waste textiles with polyester as the main body, and the content of polyester fiber in polyester waste textiles is not less than 65%.


Recycled material


Nylon waste and recyled material


Nylon waste and old textiles are waste textiles with nylon as the main body, and the content of nylon fiber in nylon waste and old textiles is not less than 60%.


Acrylic waste and recyled material


Acrylic waste and old textiles are waste textiles with acrylic as the main body, and the content of acrylic fiber in acrylic waste and old textiles is not less than 50%.


 Other waste and recyled material


Other types of waste textiles are waste textiles with one kind of fiber other than cotton, wool, polyester, acrylic and nylon as the main body, and the fiber content of the main material in other types of waste and old textiles is not less than 50%.


 Mixed waste and recyled material


Mixed waste and old textiles refers to the waste textiles composed of two or more main raw materials, and it is difficult to define the main material by the above classes.


Reclaim technology of waste and old textiles


The recycling of waste and old textiles is to reprocess the waste textiles to make them become new raw materials or products that meet the corresponding standards. According to the different processing methods, the reclaim technology of waste and old textiles can divide into the following three classes:


Simple mechanical processing


Simple mechanical processing is to use the mechanical methods to open and loose the waste textiles, so that it can be restored to the fiber state. It is generally suitable for the recycling of waste textiles of cotton and wool natural fibers; The old textiles will be made directly into the raw material for rags or mops after simple processing.


Hot melt processing technology


For those waste textiles with thermoplastic, by melting method to become melt spinning process of spinning liquid, and then made into chemical fiber yarn. Hot melt process technology is suitable for chemical fiber which can be processed by melt spinning process.


Chemical reclaim technology


Chemical reclaim technology is to depolymerize, filter and repolymerize the waste textiles by chemical methods, and then process them into new fibers by chemical fiber spinning process.

It can be applied to the chemical fiber processed by melting method. It can also be applied to the regenerated fiber processed by solvent method or dissolution method.

For the textile raw materials obtained through regeneration processing, the health indicators of the regenerated products shall meet the requirements of GB/T 32479-2016 “Basic safety technical requirements for reprocessed fibers” standard. The quality of regenerated staple fibers should meet the requirements of FZ/T 07002-2018 “waste textile reprocessing staple fiber” standard.

Recycled material


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