Kingbird シェニール糸は羽毛のような合成繊維の手触りが柔らかく、裏地に縫い付けるとビロードのような外観になります。
Kingbird シェニール編み糸は、ひざ掛け、スカーフ、ラップなど、さまざまな衣料品に使用できます。 多くの針サイズの織物や編み物のプロジェクトに適しています.
編み物用のキングバード シェニール ウールは、クラシックなソリッド カラーとマルチカラー (スペース ダイ技術) の両方で利用できます。 このかさばるシェニール糸を使用すると、快適なアクセサリーを簡単かつ迅速に作成できます。
編み物用のキングバード シェニール ヤーンは、ケーブルや織り目加工のステッチに非常に適しています。 これにより、カラー作業に最適です。 他のキングバードアイテムの糸と混ぜると、単独で編んだときに着用可能で暖かい衣服になります.
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コアスパンヤーン、エアヤーン、ポンポンヤーン、スパンコールヤーン、フェザーヤーン、ノットヤーン、ラダーヤーン、シェニールヤーン、テープヤーン、フィッシュネットヤーン、ビッグベリーヤーン、TTヤーン、ループなど、多くの種類のファンシーヤーンがあります。 糸など。
私たちは、中国寧波で長年にわたってさまざまな糸/糸の専門メーカーおよびサプライヤーです。 私たちはあなたに良質の製品を安定して提供し、短納期で優れた品質と非常に競争力のある価格を提供できます。
お試し注文も承ります。 お問い合わせ、ご注文大歓迎です!
Table of Contents
手芸が好きな人も、編み物が好きな人も、シェニール糸に出会ったことがあるかもしれません。 この糸に関連付けられている柔らかさと毛皮のような感触は、素晴らしいプロジェクトを作成するのに役立ちます.
美観だけでなく、全体的な感触と外観にも貢献します。 豊富な用途と独自の機能に適したシェニール糸は、ユーザーの間で高い人気を誇っています。
あなたが初心者のニッター、ウィーバー、またはクラフターである場合、このガイドはシェニール糸に慣れるのに役立ちます. この究極のガイドで、タイプ、機能、利点などに関する詳細な洞察を得て、順調に進んでください. 魅力的ですね? 読み続けてください!
シェニール糸は、全体にショートカットを特徴とするパイルを含む、撚り合わされた 2 つのコアで構成されています。 シェニール糸の解剖学的構造では、ショートカット パイルは毛虫の毛に似た角度のついた配置になっています。
What Are The Types Of Chenille Yarn?
There are multiple types of chenille yarn exist. Some of the common types are:
Cotton Chenille Yarn
Cotton chenille yarn refers to a chenille yarn featuring cotton as the main manufacturing material. It is a naturally occurring material. Features of this chenille yarn include highly breathable, cool, soft texture, and good moisture absorber.
Polyester Chenille Yarn
Polyester chenille yarn mainly utilizes polyester as the manufacturing material. It refers to a synthetic material. Features include strong, low stretch ability, and non-biodegradable.
Rayon Chenille Yarn
Rayon chenille yarn is a yarn that uses rayon to manufacture chenille yarn. It belongs to the synthetic class of yarns. The features of this yarn include being highly soft, water absorbent, zero piling, and washable.
Wool Chenille Yarn
The wool chenille yarn is a yarn that comprises wool as the manufacturing material. This refers to natural fiber. Features include high resistance to stains, UV resistance, anti-bacterial, and sustainability.
What are the key benefits of Chenille Yarn?
Several benefits exist for Chenille Yarn and Chenille fabrics. The end properties of the chenille yarn depend on the manufacturing material. Different material contributes to different benefits. Some of the key benefits include:
High Moisture Absorbent
The water absorbency of the chenille yarn is on another level. Excellent pore structure contributes to this property. Because of water absorbency, you can use this yarn in making towels.
Thick and Soft
The fuzzy, hairy structure and shortcut piles result in thick and soft chenille fabric. It feels cozy and comfortable. The thickness of this yarn also makes it suitable for winter applications because it adds to the warmth.
The chenille yarn is very light. It does not have much weight. The accessories you wear that are made of chenille yarn do not burden your body. You can feel relaxed when using or wearing chenille yarn.
The lustrous appearance of the chenille yarn makes it more engaging and desirable. Wherever you go, it will act as an attention grabber. This will strengthen your presence whether you are at a party, event, or wedding.
Anti – Bacterial
The term anti-bacterial reflects that it offers great resistance to bacteria. If you face frequent sweats, then you don’t need to worry. Chenille yarn is great at sweat absorbing and resisting bacterial growth. This will ultimately prevent you from facing infections or allergies.
What are the main applications of Chenille Yarn?
Several applications exist for chenille yarn. You can use it to make various clothing accessories and home décor. Some of the key applications are:
- Scarf
- Hat
- Blanket
- Towels
- Jacket
- Pet Beds
- Carpet
- Cushion
- Backrest
Apart from these applications, you can also use chenille yarn in personalized or customized applications.
What Techniques Can You Employ to Convert Chenille Yarn to Chenille Fabrics?
Multiple techniques you can use to convert chenille yarn to chenille fabrics. Some of the widely used techniques are:
This technique utilizes interlacing the yarn loops. The knitting needles serve the purpose in this regard. By utilizing knitting, you can create hats, shawls, and sweaters.
The term weaving refers to producing chenille fabrics using two different yarns. It gives you an effective end look. This technique is better suited for rugs, hats, fences, and garments.
You can make use of chenille yarn in embroidery. Embroidery is embellishing or decorating any fabric with chenille yarn using needles. It eventually helps you achieve any design or structure on a particular fabric.
What Is the Difference Between Ganga Velvety And Chenille Type Yarn?
Yes, chenille yarn is dyeable. In chenille production, many manufacturers dye this yarn to give it a different look and appearance.
An option exists to dye the yarn better when it has no color or white colors. This is because white can easily take up any other color and is easy to differentiate.
To begin dyeing, you need to warm the water and put in the chenille yarn. Now add some desired color and cook it for 15 to 30 minutes. It will take up the desired color. When you experience a prominent color difference, take it out from the basin and dry it. Then you can use this yarn in any chenille fabric production.
Now you know completely about the chenille yarn. You can begin the crocheting, knitting, and weaving project on the go. Let us know your thoughts on this useful and practical information. If you have questions regarding this yarn type, feel free to ask in the comment section below. We would love to help with your queries with effective answers.